My name is Ivan Antipov and I specialise in clearing energy fast.
New offering: daily group clearings
This is a new service aimed at anyone looking for ongoing clearing and support, regardless of the level of income.
I will be attuning spontaneously on most days, often leveraging the power of the Earth energies in specific locations.
Include specific intentions or other people, with their permission.
Personal sessions
A deep dive into your personal energetic blocks or long-standing patterns.
As part of the session I will identify core life themes and send you a report of what’s been cleared.
Areas of focus
Sound healing
I’m a certified sound healer (with the Avalon Foundation) and offer in-person sessions in Somerset, UK, using Tibetan and crystal bowls, and voice work with angelic overtoning.
First session includes an individual root chakra key reading, which will define your personal scale for healing.
Read more about this work here.
£50 for a 1-hour in-person session
Ivan has committed himself to this work in an exemplary and very professional manner. Already having the advantage of being a trained singer has in his case optimised his potential with this work, and I am very confident that any client of his is receiving a very powerful healing modality delivered in a sensitive and apt manner according to our parameters and procedures. His own clairvoyant gifts can only further the level of competence in this work. I would consider any client to be on the receiving end of treatments using our Pure Sound approach very lucky.
– Dean Carter MA (Oxon) PGCE (Cantab) Dip Sound BAST,