Category Development

Yahoo! Mail SMTP server blocking WordPress emails

I’ve been using the excellent Post SMTP plugin on several websites now, and recently configured it using Yahoo! Mail’s SMTP, only to find out it blocks some messages but not others, giving a Request failed; Mailbox unavailable status. On closer…

Subscribe the Jetpack contact form to MailPoet

Jetpack now comes with a nice new feature allowing you to consent to subscribing to a newsletter when filling out their contact form. However, unless you’re using Creative Mail, it does… absolutely nothing. Not even mentions it in the email,…

Adding groups support to the ACF field shortcode

I loved the addition of groups to Advanced Custom Fields – instead of endless repetitions like header_heading, header_image, header_video and so on we can now treat them as an associative array: $header[‘heading’], $header[‘image’], $header[‘video’]. Unfortunately, there are some problems with…

Store YouTube videos data from a playlist in WordPress

I’ve encountered a problem where I wanted to display the latest YouTube videos from several playlists on the website, without manually entering the data. The way to do that would be to pull the data using YouTube API; however, I…

Add an automated purchase note from ACF

Editing HTML in purchase notes in WooCommerce can be a cumbersome process, especially if it’s just a part of it, like a download link. I couldn’t find a filter for displaying the purchase note for a product on the front-end,…